Buy Original Sensible Seeds Black Ghost OG FEM

Black Ghost OG Specifikace kmenu

Colorado Ghost OG, Black Domina



Out: 700 - Na rostlinu
In: 550 - M2

60% Indica
40% Sativa

60 - 65 Dny (kvetoucí)

Dom. Terpene:Myrcene

Black Ghost OG

Colorado Ghost OG x Black Domina

Vyberte velikost balení
  • 1 Semeno $10.62
  • 3 Semena + 1 Zdarma $28.34
  • 5 Semena + 2 Zdarma $42.51
  • 10 Semena + 4 Zdarma $80.28
  • 25 Semena + 10 Zdarma $183.03
  • 50 Semena + 20 Zdarma $341.28
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Black Ghost OG Semena konopí

Black Ghost OG cannabis seeds combine two of of our most powerful top draw genetics, Black Domina and Colorado Ghost OG. This exciting and modern cross produces an outstanding resin drenched marijuana plant absolutely oozing with THC crystals. The entire production of the Black Ghost OG weed strain is there for the taking – Nothing need be wasted – Solid thick buds adorn this plant, dripping with gooey resin glands that produce an outstanding smoke. And no harvester could resist the glimmering leaves which will produce some of the most intoxicating and exotic flavoured extractions you've ever tasted.

Black Ghost OG is an Indica / Sativa hybrid which is suited to all growing methods and training techniques, making her easily managed indoors with a flowering period of just 8 to 9 weeks. Whilst outdoors you can expect a taller plant which suits most climates, but specifically thrives in the warm Mediterranean type locations, with her bountiful fruits ready to harvest at the beginning of October. The powerful and complex earthy Kush aroma has a delightful fruity strawberry overtone and its that delicious strawberry flavour that will dance on your taste buds, leading you to reminisce those walks home from school after a visits to the local sweet shop. This is due to a multiplex fusion of terpenes like the earthy herbal myrcene, the pungent caryophyllene and the fruity lemony balmy notes of pinene and limonene which give Black Ghost weed its fruity nuance.

The effect is every smokers dream starting with a psychedelic upbeat high which leads to a more relaxed tranquil sensation perfect for the relief of pain, tension, stress and depression.  If your looking for easy to grow feminised seeds with exceptional power and sensational flavors and effects Black Ghost OG weed strain from Original Sensible ticks all the boxes.

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