Buy Original Sensible Seeds CannaBoom CBD+ FEM

CannaBoom CBD+ Specifikace kmenu

(Harlequin x Sour Tsunami), ACDC




Out: 800 - Na rostlinu
In: 500 - M2

50% Indica
50% Sativa


65 - 70 Dny (kvetoucí)

Dom. Terpene:Myrcene

CannaBoom CBD+

(Harlequin x Sour Tsunami) x ACDC

Vyberte velikost balení
  • 1 Seed $10.62
  • 3 Seeds + 1 Free $28.34
  • 5 Seeds + 2 Frees $42.51
  • 10 Seeds + 4 Frees $80.28
  • 25 Seeds + 10 Frees $183.03
  • 50 Seeds + 20 Frees $341.28
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CannaBoom CBD+ Semena konopí

Our analysis shows CannaBoom CBD+ strain can be compliant and legal to grow in some countries due to their low THC content. CannaBoom CBD+ not only has minimum THC and high CBD level, these seeds also benefit from a small percentage of CBG, the latest cannabinoid to be making it's impact due to it's high therapeutic value. CBG is branded the ´mother of all cannabinoids´ as studies show CBG or to give it is full name Cannabigerol has huge promise for it's healing power.

These feminised cannabis seeds may be far different from what Original Sensible Seeds are generally associated for however, we've been working in the medical cannabis market for many years and have had a keen interest to be able to offer an opportunity for medical cannabis users to grow seeds of a high medicinal value, whereas prior seeds of this type and character were usually available to buy only in bulk or large quantities and generally grown under licence. CannaBoom CBD+ seeds are not only offered fully feminised they are available to buy from single seed packs up to packs size 50.

CannaBoom CBD+ is recommended for growing outdoor only and plants can grow tall. With a flowering period of 9 - 10 weeks, harvesting outdoor is around the month of October and the rewards are impressive, depending on growing conditions 800 gr per plant is easily produced whilst 1k per plant is not unachievable.

CannaBoom CBD+ seeds has a fruity earthy diesel scent developing from a multiplex of terpenes including myrcene, pinene, carypohyllene and terpinolene and are ideal for oil and extraction methods and make the perfect option for those looking to buy "legal weed seeds".

Cannabinoid analysis : (19-20% CBD; 0.3% THC, 0.01% CBG)

Vyloucení odpovednosti

The Original Sensible Seeds website is designed for people over the age of 18 or 21 (according to local law). All cannabis seeds sold on this website are for gift purposes only. All written and visual materiel is intended for information and educational purposes only. Growing cannabis seeds is illegal in many or most countries and are only sold for preservation and storage. Therefore, we advise you to check the law in your country before placing your order. Original Sensible Seeds are shipped worldwide and we provide free, full tracking throughout the UK and Europe (free shipping depends on the value of the order). If you want to make a comment or suggestion, you can use our email to contact us.


Exclusive access for adults only

This website is INTENDED for adults (18+) and provides content that is related to Cannabis. We use cookies on our website to help us improve and deliver a higher quality user experience. Some of the cookies we use are essential for the site to operate and, in particular, to allow you to shop from our website. The information provided on this site is intended for entertainment, medicinal and educational purposes only. Original Sensible Seeds are not responsible for the misuse or illegal use according to the law of each country regarding the traded products. Original Sensible Seeds comply with Spanish legislation.

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