Buy Original Sensible Seeds White Widow + FEM

White Widow + Specifikace kmenu

White Widow , Critical



Out: 1500 - Na rostlinu
In: 700 - M2

40% Indica
60% Sativa

50 - 55 Dny (kvetoucí)

Dom. Terpene:Caryophyllene

White Widow +

White Widow x Critical

Vyberte velikost balení
  • 1 Semeno $7.42

    10.00% Discount WAS $8.24

  • 3 Semena + 1 Zdarma $21.26

    10.00% Discount WAS $23.62

  • 5 Semena + 2 Zdarma $32.92

    10.00% Discount WAS $36.58

  • 10 Semena + 4 Zdarma $60.58

    10.00% Discount WAS $67.31

  • 25 Semena + 10 Zdarma $138.15

    10.00% Discount was $153.51

  • 50 Semena + 20 Zdarma $258.25

    10.00% Discount WAS $286.95

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White Widow + Semena konopí

White Widow strain is as popular today as always has been and is still one of the most popular weed strains in the coffee shops of Amsterdam. White Widow + by Original Sensible Seeds is a high yielding potent White Widow strain created from solid genetics of popular parent varieties Critical Mass and the queen of resin production White Widow. This higher yielding White Widow strain is a reworking of Original Sensible's White Critical but the yields are heavier and the effect is more potent with a higher THC content commanded by this White Widow + (Mass). Bred with the commercial grower in mind for yield and potency but equally White Widow + cannabis seeds are also a perfect choice for the smaller grower looking to produce coffee shop grade weed that may well end up being their preferred headstash. Growing White Widow + weed from feminized seeds is effortless. Easy to control within indoor set ups and with a short flowering period of just 50 to 55 days White Widow + plants are ripe for harvesting voluptuous buds which ooze with adhesive like resin. Outdoors she's unfailing due to her high resistance to pests and mildew, ready to harvest in the final weeks of September / early October  every plant is capable of producing up to a kilo of dank narcotic weed. The initial effect is ecstatic, uplifting and euphoric superseded by a more relaxed mellow high.


The woody earthy aroma of White Widow + comes from a blend of numerous terpenes made up of limonene which gives a touch of citrus bouquet which many believe helps soothe away anxiety, depression and stress, the herbal tones of myrcene, the earthy pungency of caryophyllene with fruity pine tones deriving from terpinolene and pinene gives this White Widow strain her distinct aura. If your looking for an easy to grow plant whose buds drip with adhesive like resin White Widow + from Original Sensible Seeds is the strain you need.

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